Cancer can be defined as a disease in which a group of abnormal cells grow uncontrollably by disregarding the normal rules of cell division. Normal cells are constantly subject to signals that dictate whether the cell should divide, differentiate into another cell or die. Cancer cells develop a degree of autonomy from these signals, resulting in uncontrolled growth and proliferation. If this pr…
Molecular Conformations introduces the fundamental physical and biochemical concepts that determine the conformation of a protein. The book starts by describing how DNA is converted into proteins and then continues with those factors that influence conformational change in a protein.
This e-book introduces the reader to biomolecules and describes the experimental and theoretical aspects of their micro- and nano-scale motion in water. Particular emphasis is given to their transport in engineered micro-environments where they are driven by externally imposed electric fields. Envisaged application technologies of this wide-ranging science involve healthcare, food provisioning,…
Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications presents the latest advances in the measurement and application of food rheology, one of the most important tools for food companies when characterizing ingredients and final products, and a predictor of product performance and consumer acceptance. Split into two main focuses, the book gives in-depth analysis of the general advances in the field…
This edited book aims to include the most related and practical knowledge about MBR. Detailed discussion about deep scientific knowledge in all fields of MBR is not addressed. The book starts from the introduction of biological wastewater treatment. In addition, the book focuses on knowledge of membrane, performance of MBR and its operation. This book is suitable for person who does not have an…
This book analyses, country by country and region by region, responses to the worldwide demand for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. The discussion is quantitative and contains many related calculations. There are discussions of how the respective countries have fulfilled their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and detailed coverage of some of novel technologies for energy production w…
This textbook will provide the reader with an understanding of biological signals and digital signal analysis techniques such as conditioning, filtering, feature extraction, classification and statistical validation for solving practical biological signal analysis problems using MATLAB.
This e-book book aimed at undergraduates and practitioners who have an interest in food process engineering. It is designed to provide an overview of the many operations associated with the processing of raw food materials to produce products which are creative, palatable and safe to eat. It covers basic food chemistry and ingredients through to mixing, unsteady steady state heat transfer in fr…
The field of food quality assurance has evolved substantially over the past decade, and certain key developments have become widely accepted. These include Quality Systems (e.g., ISO 9000) and HACCP. Consequently, it has become essential for undergraduate Food Science and Food Technology students preparing for careers in the food industry to have some basic training in these systems as part of …
1st Edition Snack Foods Processing Edited By Edmund W. Lusas, Lloyd W. Rooney Copyright 2001 ISBN 9781566769327 662 Pages Published June 5, 2001 by CRC Press Request Inspection Copy Indonesia Flag Free Shipping (14-21 Business Days) shipping options Original Price £180.00 Sale Price GBP £153.00 QTY Providing a clear, comprehensive overview of the industry, Snack Foods Proces…
Food safety is a modern concept. Remarkably, it is only in the last 200 years that such cocenpts as foodborne germs, and the means of combating them (such as antiseptics and refregeration). have been popularised. Yet in the 21st Century, consumers in the developed world do not accept that the food which they purchase and sonsume might carry a risk of making them dll. that our food should be saf…
The principles of lean manufacturing – increasing efficiency, reducing waste, lowering costs and improving control – may be applied to any industry. However, the food industry is unique, and creates unique demands. The political, social and economic importance of food is unrivalled by any other form of produce, as is the scrutiny to which the manufacture of food is subjected. For the food ind…
Vegetables are an important article of commerce both in developed and developing economies. Many studies point to importance of vegetables in our diet. Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing serves as a reference handbook on vegetables and vegetable processing containing the latest developments and advances in this fast growing field. The book can be considered as a companion to Y. H. …
Buku berjudulkan Kebijakan Bank Sentral: Teori dan Praktik ini ditulis oleh Gubernur Bank Indonesia yang bernama Dr. Perry Warjiyo bersama dengan Kepala Bank Indonesia Institute yang bernama Dr. Solikin M. Juhro. Keduanya merupakan orang-orang yang telah berpengalaman, karena terlibat secara langsung dalam perumusan kebijakan di Bank Indonesia (BI). Buku ini ditulis dari pengalaman dan kepriha…
Selama lebih dari dua dasawarsa, Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengabdikan dirinya untuk melayani kepentingan publik nasional dan global. Ia merupakan Menteri Keuangan RI terlama setelah Ali Wardhana. Tugasnya sebagai nakhoda perekonomian nasional, telah dijalaninya di era Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Presiden Joko Widodo. Sri juga tercatat sebagai orang Indonesia pertama yang menduduki jab…
Jejak Diplomasi Retno Marsudi: Tegas dalam Prinsip, Lentur dalam Cara mengulas perjalanan diplomasi Indonesia di bawah kepemimpinan Menteri Luar Negeri RI Retno Marsudi selama satu dekade terakhir. Buku ini terdiri atas sepuluh bab yang mendalam dan komprehensif, menyajikan kisah-kisah penting dan strategi diplomasi yang diimplementasikan oleh Retno Marsudi saat menjabat sebagai Menteri Luar…
Benjamin Graham kerap disebut sebagai pakar investasi paling berpengaruh pada abad kedua puluh. Tak aneh jika dia menjadi guru bagi seorang Warren Buffet dan “investment guru” bagi para pelaku investasi. The Interpretation of Financial Statements adalah panduan abadi Graham untuk menafsirkan dan memahami laporan keuangan. Bersama kedua karyanya yang lain, The Intelligent Investor dan Securit…
Teaches students to apply the key principles of innovation and entrepreneurship in a variety of business contexts Now in its fourth edition, Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides an overview and synthesis of the most recent research on innovation and entrepreneurship, offering clear and accessible coverage of essential research principles that are applicable in a broad range of business m…
Agar sukses menaklukkan TOEFL, Anda membutuhkan penguasaan kosakata, grammar, serta kemampuan membaca cepat dan menemukan inti bacaan. Sayangnya, kebanyakan buku TOEFL kerap sulit dipahami karena terlalu tebal. Padahal, Anda tentu lebih menyukai ulasan materi secara minimalis, tetapi mudah diingat. Buku kecil ini disusun guna memenuhi kebutuhan Anda melibas TOEFL secara cepat dan tepat. Sebelum…
Buku Mengenal Mata Uang: Sejarah, Nilai dan Fungsi dalam Ekonomi Global Mengenal Mata Uang: Sejarah, Nilai dan Fungsi dalam Ekonomi Global adalah Buku yang ditulis oleh Sriyanik dan diterbitkan oleh Silda Impika Sinopsis Mengenal Mata Uang: Sejarah, Nilai dan Fungsi dalam Ekonomi Global “Mengenal Mata Uang: Sejarah, Nilai dan Fungsi dalam Ekonomi Global” adalah panduan yang tepat bagi si…
Buku Manejemen Penyelenggaraan Hotel ini berisi sebagai berikut : 1. Pengertian pariwisata 2. Perbedaan pengertian hotel dan penginapan 3. Perbedaan jenis-jenis produk yang dihasilkan hotel 4. Jenis-jenis fasilitas hotel 5. Karakteristik usaha hotel 6. Stuktur organisasi hotel 7. Kegiatan perencanaan sumber daya manusia
The original, bestselling, and award-winning textbook on social media marketing?thoroughly updated in this Fifth Edition?features all the essential topics, concepts, research, and practical application for study and career success.
Neuroscience: Science of the Brain AN INTRODUCTION FOR YOUNG STUDENTS "Inside our heads, weighing about 1.5 kg, is an astonishing living organ consisting of billions of tiny cells. It enables us to sense the world around us, to think and to talk. The human brain is the most complex organ of the body, and arguably the most complex thing on earth. This booklet is an introduction for young stude…
The purpose of Dorf’s Modern Control Systems, Thirteenth Edition is to present the structure of feedback control theory and to provide a sequence of exciting discoveries. The book demonstrates various real-world, global engineering problems while touching on evolving design strategies like green technology. Some of the themes at-hand include climate change, clean water, sustainability, waste ma…